Tool Facilitated Equine Body Work

Our Story
TF-EBW- (tm 2024) is an applications and certification course that has been in development by MC Kidd and will finally be available for the equine professional public in 2025.
Equestrians throughout the years have asked MC to pass on how she achieves such remarkable results releasing musculoskeletal tension throughout a horse's body. MC had been a certified "Equine Body Worker" for many years when in 2005, she became a certified instrument musculoskeletal release (VMR) technician by an incredibly gifted and genius equine veterinarian named Dr. Bill Inman.
There are many ways of dealing with horses musculoskeletal needs and what TF-EBW offers is simply one of many great approaches.
MC's life and practice dramatically changed for the better after learning from the amazing Dr. Bill. She is committed to passing on his discovery so that others can help animals and discover more, each in their own way. The tools do not do it though- we do it with the help of the tools.
Understanding muscle behavior and mapping is very important for high level results. MC is proficient and successful and will help you be too! Dr. Inman passed away in 2024 and before he did, he gave MC his blessing to help to carry the torch further.
Combining "Dr. Bill's" teachings with other knowledge and skills MC has developed through the last twenty-five years, she has formulated an effective program and is a great compliment to anyone's equine wellness profession.
To learn more about TF- EBWtm - course requirements, syllabus, and date options contact the TF- EBW staff at tf.courses@gmail.com
Are you are a veterinarian and want to learn more and how you can integrate TF-EBW into your practice? Please fill out the contact form and we will be in touch with you.